cutest thing i've ever seen. honestly. in a boy or a girl. bedhead melts my heart. there is nothing more charming than tousled hair sticking up at odd angles, and usually an equally out-of-sorts sleepy face to go along with it. maybe i'm just biased, but i think boys can work it better, perhaps it's just the shortness of their hair, or perhaps it's the simple fact that i am attracted to males, but.. oh cute.
002. smelling like other people.
the other day, devin asked me what my favorite scent is. i would have to say, the scent of other people. of course, some people smell bad, but after cuddling with someone, or hugging them a lot, they tend to leave their scent upon you, usually traces of perfume or cologne, or sometimes the ever-special natural scent, and it really is amazing. this is one reason i have no problem letting people use my pillows when they stay the night. my pillow is an orgy of scents! ah, fantastic.
003. assignments and exams being pushed back.
it really is the best feeling when you dread studying so direly, and check your e-mail to find a message from the professor to the entire class announcing that the exam has been pushed back a week. ah. a week of free time, a week more to study. of course, this is probably the procrastinator in me having its biggest wish come true, but still. i am allowed to encourage it at times.
I agree! I love smelling like other people, especially boys. I adore it when they wear expensive cologne and after they hug me, I smell like it for hours. I've become obsessed with Dior Homme because of this, it's so sad. That, and a boy's dirty hair. I hate boys who wear too much hair product; it's so much sexier when they have day-old bed head and the natural oils take over, yum.