Sunday, November 2, 2008


joanna and i were carrying in our groceries saturday evening and as we were turning the corner i saw a girl exiting the building across from ours, followed by her boyfriend. the moment they stepped outside, she began waving her hand around frantically to try and gain his attention to grab onto it. he didn't, so she stopped all movement and kept wiggling it in front of him until he grasped it. i had a big resounding bitterly amused laugh at this because.. really? it seemed so desperate and whiny and bratty and needy an action. the kind of thing that i used to do to my father when i needed attention, or when i wanted he and another adult in the family to "fly me", when each of them would hold one of my hands and pull me up off the ground so i would skip a few steps.

it kind of made me reflect on relationships as a whole. some girls need boyfriends who are like parents, no? some people need attention and that is why they get into relationships. could she really just not handle facing the world without the security of his hand in hers?

there was also this really annoying couple at the supermarket that was following us everywhere and that girl's obnoxious laugh was trailing us around the entire store. she was trying way too hard. then they got behind us in line and she had the nerve to pick up the martha stuart magazine and flip through it in front of him. i wanted to weep for her.

some girls are so sad. especially when they're genuinely happy.


  1. It is a self esteem issue. A daddy complex, something that began at a young age and has major ramifications later in life. I have the opposite problem.

  2. I don't see how it's sad that a girl would want her boyfriend to hold her hand. That's pretty standard stuff. If my girlfriend wasn't getting the message, I would try to get her attention too.

  3. no, lars, that's not what i meant. it's standard to want to hold someone's hand, but the sad part is making a scene and getting to a pre-fit stage and halting all business to get him to do so, when she could have just reached for it herself.
